Satisfaction Guarantee

We offer a 30-day satisfaction guarantee on our products. If you are not satisfied with any product, you may return the unused portion within 30 days for a full refund. Your agreement to the terms of purchase indicates your understanding and acceptance of this refund policy.


Note that final sale items are not eligible for returns or exchanges.

We're happy to answer any questions about
our products, your shopping experience, and more.

 If you’re a doctor or health/wellness care professional and would like more information and/or free samples, please fill out the form below.  For consumers, please click this link:

We're happy to answer any questions about
our products, your shopping experience, and more.

FAQ for Consumers

How can Xtreme products help with joint pain?

Are there any side effects of using Xtreme products for pain management

How effective are Xtreme products for acute pain, like sprains?

Can I use Xtreme products for chronic conditions like arthritis?

How does the combination of various natural ingredients enhance pain relief?

Can Xtreme products be used for sports-related injuries?

How long does it take to feel the effects of Xtreme products?

Are there any age restrictions for using Xtreme products?

Can Xtreme products help with sleep-related issues caused by pain?

How are Xtreme products tested for quality and safety?